
Violet have you gone cold
Or are you the last unburdened soul
Pilot are we going to crash
Or is everyone else moving too fast

The rest of us are coming down
We're a generation lost, waiting to be found
The rest of us are coming down
Are you?

If all we have to lose are expectations
(I’ll never see the writing on the wall)
Can I erase the writing on the wall
As I crawl into another situation
I wonder how much further I can fall
As I crawl into another situation
I wonder how much further I can fall
Written by: Steven Gullett
Year: 2019.30
Performed by: Solo
Recordings: Rough Demo
Chords: Em C G C Am G (Dsus Cadd9 G) Em C G A C G C G C D Em7 D G Dsus Cadd9 G Em7 D G Dsus Cadd9 D